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Our Vision

 Automate clothing, food, housing, transportation, etc, We hope to realize a world in which everyone has free access to the necessities of life and can live freely anywhere.

By fulfilling the needs of life, fear and anxiety are eliminated, allowing people to understand what they are truly meant to do and enabling them to execute those actions.

Also, by eliminating fear and anxiety, people will not need to control people and things, and they will be able to do so in an excessive manner, We will be able to live without fear and anxiety, and we will no longer need to control or over-consume people and things. A new economic activity will emerge where what one desires to do becomes valuable to someone else, and these values are exchanged with one another.


We aim to make this world a reality based on creating Free Energy and truly intelligent AI.

The technology U aims for, while artificial, seeks to express nature. We believe that to create a civilization in harmony with nature, technology that can express nature is essential.

*This vision is inspired by James Redfield's The Celestine Prophecy.

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