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Free Energy

The products we offer provide devices that amplify self-sustained power generation and renewable energy by harnessing the inexhaustible energy accessible from space. Below is a background and overview of this technology.

 Free Energy is achieved by harnessing quantum vacuum energy. Quantum vacuum energy can be extracted anywhere in the universe because it accesses and extracts the ubiquitous vacuum field in this world. This energy can be extracted anywhere in the universe and is considered inexhaustible compared to energy converted from matter due to its immense amount.

plank scale

 The quantum world is an extremely small one. Its size is represented by the Planck length, discovered by Max Planck, a Nobel Prize winner and regarded as one of the fathers of quantum mechanics. The Planck length, an incredibly tiny distance on the order of 10 to the negative 35th power (1.616229x10^-35) of a meter, is considered the indivisible minimum unit. It is a world a hundred-trillion-trillion times smaller than our everyday scale, unimaginably tiny, but the gateway to quantum vacuum energy. The educational film "Power of Ten" ( by the Eames couple helps to visualize the world of 10 to the nth power.

casimir effect

 The Casimir effect has already been confirmed in an experiment, and demonstrates the existence of quantum energy. Hendrik Casimir observed the force generated between closely spaced metal plates, a phenomenon that reveals the existence of vacuum fluctuations and has been acknowledged by other scientists. Attempts to directly use the Casimir effect to extract energy exist, but have not been commercialized yet.

quantum vacuum

 What exactly is quantum vacuum energy and the field it inhabits? There is no unified theory to explain the four forces in physics (the strong force, weak force, electromagnetic force, and gravity) yet, but the Loop Quantum Gravity theory researched by Carlo Rovelli and others attempts to unify gravity with the other forces. Rovelli claims that the field constituting the universe is discrete rather than continuous, with the smallest unit being the Planck length. He argues that the world is composed of spin networks formed by nodes, or points, connected by edges. A field filled with quantum vacuum energy can be considered a field occupied by elementary particles with the Planck length as the minimum.

quantum vacuum

 Nikola Tesla, a famous genius inventor and creator of the alternating current electrical system, researched extracting energy from something called ether. Ether was thought to be the medium that filled the universe and transmitted light waves. It can be considered a medium for converting quantum vacuum energy into other forms of energy, such as electricity. As quantum vacuum energy has an extremely high frequency, it needs to be lowered for utilization, which is one of the roles of ether. It is believed that Tesla had already discovered the existence and extraction principle of energy (quantum vacuum) omnipresent in this world through the ether as its medium.

 This technology utilizes the energy of the quantum vacuum, which has not been directly used until now. While it does not violate the first law of thermodynamics, it can essentially be referred to as "free energy."


 To convert this ether into electric power, we are attempting to do so using resonators. One such resonator is the cone resonator, which consists of a cone-shaped coil. By combining this resonator with a high-frequency circuit, conversion to electric power is possible. We have applied for a patent for this technology.

 This technology utilizes the energy of the quantum vacuum, which has not been directly used until now. While it does not violate the first law of thermodynamics, it can essentially be referred to as "Free Energy."

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