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“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

Albert Einstein

 In our society, various social problems exist: war, competition for energy resources, environmental destruction, climate change, poverty, discrimination, murder, suicide, harsh labor conditions, and increasing medical costs. Despite tremendous efforts by global and regional leaders and the many who cooperate with them, we have not yet reached a fundamental solution. Ironically, our inability to find a solution, despite immense efforts, seems to prove Einstein's words. If so, we must approach problem-solving from a deeper dimension, which requires recognizing a dimension of the world that our current society cannot perceive


 It is natural to be puzzled when told to recognize the unrecognized, but we can find hits of that unrecognized world. Our universe is observed to be expanding at an accelerating rate, and from this fact we can deduce that "In this universe, ordinary matter is about 5% of the total, with the remaining 95% consisting of currently unexplained dark energy and dark matter." This hypothesis is difficult to accept for those who believe that ordinary matter is the origin of everything, but it is necessary to explain the behavior of our universe. Einstein also said, "The distinction between past, present, and future is nothing but an illusion," which is consistent with the latest quantum mechanics theories. This concept is challenging for us to accept as we feel time moving from past to future. However, both are hypotheses presented by science. If matter is only a small part of the universe and time is just something we perceive, our current world's perception in society may be "limited and peculiar."


 By accepting the possibility that there might be worlds beyond our current understanding and exploring them, we can start to see many hints left by our predecessors in a new light. In our exploration of this world, we, U, have been able to find the beginnings of innovative technologies that solve social problems. This technology does not fall within the existing categories of science; it includes technology from an unknown science.


 When people deepen their understanding of this world and themselves, it has become apparent that with this technology, people can be liberated from social issues and become free. Having obtained what could be considered a small key or hint, we established the non-profit company U to serve as an open platform to realize this free world. Together, let's explore the unknown and unleash the future.

Founder Tomoya FUJIMINE

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